Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Friday Adventure Runs for 2011

We are starting a new schedule for Friday Adventure Runs. The plan is to meet in different locations to do trail runs on Fridays after work. The schedule is still being set- possible runs include Cochrans, Indian Brook|Colchester Pond, Shelburne Farms and Mobbs Farm.

Sept 23
Sept 30
Oct 7
Oct 14
Oct 21
Oct 28

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bolton Friday Adventures

Friday runs are back by popular demand for the third year. This is the schedule for Friday Bolton Adventures. Meet at the Bolton Nordic Center Friday's at 5pm. Please bring friends, but leave your dogs at home. Join us for a fun afternoon run, learn about the Bolton trails and enjoy the foliage. These runs are for intermediate/advanced runners.

September 25- Harington's View- Foliage Run
October 2- Deux Mountains Run (ou Trois)
October 9- NEW for 2009!! Goose Pond Run at Timberline
October 16- Clifhanger, Georges Gorge, Birch Loop- Bryant Cabin
October 23- Maple Loop, Deer Run, Beaver Pond
October 30- Costume Run. Heavenly Highway
November 6- TBD

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday Bolton Adventure

#1 > We had a fantastic run last Friday with Angus, Kricket, Kate, Eric, Andrew and Liz. We Went down Broadway to Telemark, up Eagles Nest all the way to the long trail. Then we took a left on the Long Trail and went to Harrington's View.

#2 > This week we are planning to hike to the top of Lift 4, the Vista Quad. This is a fairly short hike, but it is seep in some places. The weather is forecast to be nice and hopefully we will have a great view of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday Bolton Adventure Schedule

Hey Gang here is the schedule for Friday Bolton Adventures.
Basics- Meet at 5pm, Bolton Nordic Center, Run and Hike, be ready for anything.

(I am super busy in September- we will start in Oct- but the leaves are changing and weather has been beautiful, so get out and hike when you can.)

1. October 3- Harington's View
2. October 10- Run/ Hike to Jim Bond's look out tower at the top of Lift 4.
3. October 17- Clifhanger, Georges Gorge, Birch Loop
4. October 24- Maple Loop, Deer Run and Beaver Pond
%. October 31- Halloween- Costume Run

and if you have any questions 802.434.6871 ~ nordiccenter@boltonvalley.com
please carpool if possible and bring a friend!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Friday Bolton Adventures gear up for 08... ready set go!!

September is almost here and we are once again starting to think about Friday running adventures in the woods around Bolton. I have heard from several people already-- and it sounds like there is interest to get going soon.

I will post the schedule as soon as possible.

Update: There is a new St. Lawrence Alumni running website. It's still young, but should be a great site for SLU running information. www.run4stlawrence.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This entry really has nothing to do with running and I am about as far away from Pine Street, Burlington as you can get, but on a hot day in NYC 3 weeks ago I crossed town with Elaine (a family friend) first walking, subway, shuttle bus and big bus on the first part of trip to Egypt. Since first arriving in Cairo Friday afternoon 3 weeks ago it's been a world wind of side trips out of the city, day trips in Cairo, meeting lots of new folks and visiting old friends. What that boils down to for me is that I have been busy and finally have some time to post some photos.


Sakkara is a Pyramid burial site south west of Cairo-- we got up early to visit Sakkara before the sun got hot.

Nothing like a a family photo from the Pyramids-- front Beth and Eliane, back John and Liz.

Sunset on the Nile - in celebration of the end of school my Mom's book group enjoyed their last meeting on a Felucca.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A long winter

I have not posted on this blog for months and months. Hopefully I will get my act together soon to write more here. But for the time being-- check out www.boltonnordic.wordpress.com This is where I have focused most of my blogging energy.